Body Worlds Vital in Auckland
Can you see the different muscles? The man here is carrying his skin The guy/girl holding his/her heart Plastination is one of the most controversial things when it comes to medicine and the healthcare field. However, it is also an innovation that helps healthcare professionals understand the human body. I found myself wondering that if back in college while studying Anatomy and Physiology I would get better grades if I was given a chance to see Body Worlds Vital. Learning Anatomy and Physiology is hard since you only visualize things by means of looking in your black and white book. Internet is not yet popular and only rich people can have access with it. Aside from that, it is hard to grasp what the book is saying. I am always a mixed learner. I learn things from experiencing, seeing and hearing things. Anatomy and Physiology is hard to learn because everything is so familiar (its your body!) but so alien because you cannot see its complexities. When your prof...