The Winner Stands Alone: One of my Fave Books

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Needless to say, Paulo Coelho has preposterously done it again for the nth time. However this book is very different compared to the other masterpieces that he has woven out of his pure genius. It took a 360 degree turn from what has been expected of him. He really did change the plot, the setting, the characters and the time line of his novel. In fact the novel could be categorized as an American book if the person reading the book is not aware of the author. On the other hand, the words, tag lines, themes and lessons presented are still Coelhan. He definitely still manages to squeeze vestiges of Coelho’s identity in. 

My sister jokingly asked me one time why I did have a stabilo at hand whenever I am perusing and devouring “The Winner Stands Alone.” Well, the answer is simple. Whenever I hungrily turn the page, a good line is about to be revealed to me and since there are numerous lines that transcend towards my soul, the only solution that I can think of to remember everything is to highlight it. So if you decided to borrow my book, you’ll be alarmed to see a coloring book, a visualizer, a rainbow out of a novel.

Doing this review will not define nor justify how great “The Winner Stands Alone.” Even after scrutinizing its every detail and autopsying every part of it… its protons, neutrons and electrons need to be analyzed further because of its cryptic nature. I know I’m not a literary critic but my experiences as a reader have not yet failed me to know if a book is a time consuming one or a gift from the gods. None the less, this one belongs to the latter.
What I like about the book:

In a normal book, usually, each major event is categorized with different chapters but this one follows a time chapter. I’ve read a few books that have the same format like “the Rising Sun.” And even if I’ve encountered some still it thrills my spine. It’s good that sometimes we are placed in a different situation or circumstances that surprise us. At least there’s spice to life.

This is the only novel of Mr. Coelho that he did give priority to facts. Well, being a good author means going out of your comfort zone to grow. Well, he did a good job. Now I know that only flatworms are monogamous (for loyal people, well, better to remain single for life…hehehe) and that diamonds are cut and beautified using another diamond.

She’s the one. Yup, I choose her! Of all the characters, she’s the one that intrigues me. Falling in love with the same sex… wooh… a controversy yet it didn’t give a wave of awe to me since I’ve come from an all girl school before and it’s just the norm I’ve been brought up during that time. However, the thing that I idolize about her is her ability to love. Maybe… this line could explain… Jasmine stated…

“I never planned to be a model, and I didn’t even think I was capable of falling in love. I know that love can only survive when it’s free, but whoever said I was anyone’s slave? I’m a slave only to my heart, and in that case my burden is a very light one. I chose you before you chose me. I embarked on what seemed an impossible adventure and never complained about the consequences, whether it was society’s preconceived ideas or resistance from my own family. I overcome all those things so that I could be with you here tonight, in Cannes, savoring the victory of an excellent fashion show, and knowing that there will be other opportunities in life – BY YOUR SIDE!”

Yes! Reaching your dream while having the one you love by your side. What more could you ask for??? I ENVY HER!

The lines that created earthquakes and tsunamis on my heart… 
"For that is the essence of life, the ability to love!"
"Transformations always occur during moments of crisis."
"But despair can deceive the desperate."
"Carry on, even if you're not sure now of what you're doing. God moves in mysterious ways, and sometimes the path only receals itself once you started walking it."
"Accumulating love brings luck, accumulating hatred brings disaster."
"You always brought me really expensive presents, but never the simplest gift of all - flowers."

Dr. Elmer Hibek, one of my motivators, told me and my classmates before that there are three kinds of endings. One is a sad ending which I abhor the most. Second is the happy ending which I have an addiction to. Sorry realists, I’m a sucker for happy endings and I’m a self-proclaimed idealist… Lastly is the hanging ending. This ending is what Mr. Coeho used. When I was a child I cursed this kind of ending. Having been left with the humungous responsibility of imagining what could happen. Yet as I grew older, I, somehow, appreciate it. How nice to think that Igor has been arrested for killing many universes… How perfect Gabriela’s life would be after being a new-discovered Hollywood actress and eventually landing many more movies… How proud Savoy’s co-workers of him after he answered the labyrinthine crimes of the Cannes festival….

I have already handcuffed this book in my heart. It will stay there forever because I choose to. I am thankful to Mr. Coelho because my library has again had an additional treasure I could keep.


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